
In this century beauty has become an icon. Every women is a little more focus in their appearance, Who is to blame them? Women are beautiful. I hope you enjoy each topic on this blog and feel free to comment about your own experiences.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Pensamiento ( food for the soul)

Hello again ladies, after a long sleepless night I'm back and just more excited than ever. A new doll has been delivered to the world and it is the best feeling ever. It is my niece only a couple hours old , I can already start imagining her old enough to start enhancing those beautiful features she will have. I'm thinking will her eyes be small, big, almond eyes, deep-set eyes, hooded eyes, or close-set eyes. Will they be blue, green , brown or hazel. What shape will her lips have. Only to come to the conclusion that no matter what shape and/or color they might be she will be beautiful and ready to be pampered.

As we keep on talking about the importance of eyes you ladies will be able to familiarize with different tips that will definitely bring the best of you to achieve the desired look. Remember we were blessed to be women! Take all the positive in it and make it the best it can be. How we think affects how we look. Take this in! start living by it. There is nothing better than waking up each morning, looking in the mirror and thanking God for making us who we are. Before thinking about covering up an imperfection or concentrating on the negative aspects of your complexion, admire your attributes. Keep in mind that THE key element about looking sexy, sophisticated, elegant and beautiful is to feel good. It starts within, love yourself be proud of your body and the process to looking good will begin.

Okay Chicas until next time... thanks for stopping by and being part of this experience.

I have the pleasure to introduce you to Jaslen Sarai... my future live doll!

1 comment:

  1. Every new baby girl born to humanity is like a new star with potential to shine and change the world we live in. Its such a sweet feeling to look into a new little 'womans face" and wonder and imagine what she will look like in 15-20 years from now, but the true beauty of life and being a woman is that We are powerful and strong, and having a strong opinion and good personality is just like good makeup,. It can take you a loooong long way in this journey called LIFE!!! So, Welcome to a "Womens World" Jaslen Sarai.
